Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 30 Favorite Hoodie

Well your not going to believe this. John had to work and I wanted to go on a walk so I want to my dads to walk with my Aunt, and to get my camera. Well John pick us up at 12am and I forgot my camera again so my picture from yesterday and today will be up tomorrow along with my picture for tomorrow.
Today’s theme is favorite hoodie, here’s mine I got it when I was 8 months pregnant with William. John and I went to a Indians game with a group of people, it was like a tour. It was July but it was a cold day and I didn’t bring a coat so John bought me the hoodie. It was kids day so I asked if I could have the shirt for William and the guy gave it to me, I didn’t think he would. The shirt is still to big for him but he knows its his and that mommy got it for him when he was in my belly. Back to my hoodie I love my hoodies big so I still ware it.

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