Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 14 Art

Today theme is art my kids love to paint and color. I wanted to get a picture of William and Octavius painting a picture, but like everyday we was not home much. After dinner William laid down on the floor and fall asleep, so I was going to take a picture of just Octavius painting but in was past his bed time. So John didn’t want him to paint and get all mess at 10:30 pm, and I didn’t wanted him too either. He’s a very mess painter lol, but what 2 year old isn’t. So we decide to just let him color, it was very hard to get a picture of him coloring, because he wanted to cuddle with Belle (our dog) on the couch, and he was very tired. But here’s the picture I got of him and his lovely art work. The boys art is the best art in my opinion, so that’s why I wanted to get a picture of them. I have a lot of art work from them, we usually have a art gallery on our refrigerator.

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