Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 19 "Y"

Well we do not have cable so I’m noting going with the theme. So I’m going to go with my theme of “Y”. This is my son Williams Yamaha 4 wheeler he got it for Christmas. He loves it when the remote has batters lol, we go though batters like crazy.

 He really wants a real one, but right now we live in town and he’s only 4. Someday we plane on getting him one, even if he just uses it for hunting. For now he’ll have to live with his power wheels 4 wheeler. He makes ramps and ramps it, its so cute. He gives Octavius rides too, that is cute too. It’s a Yamaha too, but there daddy needs to work on it or I could have gotten a picture of them riding on that today. Today was a very good day we went on a walk and they picked up pinecones we are going to make stuff with them. Not sure of what just yet so if you have any ideas please let me know.

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