Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 11 Hobbies

I have 2 hobbies that I love. One is gardening and the other is photography. So I took this picture of mums we just got for the boys club house with pictures I took of each of our boys. I love taking pictures so that one reason I started the challenge, the other reason I started it was to see if I could because if you look at most of my blogs you can see I’m not very good at it so I thought this might be one way to help me get better at it. I want to go to school for photography but right now I mostly take pictures of our boys and some of my family. I also love to garden and always have, I think what made me so interested in gardening was I use to help my grandma plant her flowers when I was younger (well I still do help her plant them). I’m not the best at gardening, because I hate pulling the weeds, but I usually get pretty nice flowers(and they are big). The one flower I have the hardest time with is my roses, I can’t seem to get nice ones.

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