Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 20 "X"

Today’s theme is celebration, did really have anything to celebrate today other than live so I just did me own theme which is “X”. So here is my picture for today my boys xylophone. It’s shaped like a puppy and it a piano too. It’s drum stick is a dog bone. It also has wheels when you roll it around it’s tail wags. They have a lot of musical instruments so we usually have a band all the time, but I love it. Today was another awesome day we had a picnic at the park, fed the geese, then played on the playground. The boys had a lot of fun, I’m just hoping it doesn’t get cold for awhile. I’m not ready for winter just yet, but winter is one my favorer seasons.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you should of put Xavier with it lol.He goes with the theme!
